Consulting Services
I look forward to discussing additional opportunities to help you meet your goals related to one or more of the areas below.
Writing & Blogging
I write articles for many outlets, including for both scientific and lay audiences. I have published pieces about topics ranging from reforming SNAP to antibiotic resistance.
Recipe development & Nutrition Analysis
I love cooking and developing healthy recipes to share with clients, patients, and friends. I develop cookbooks as well as products, written content, and recipes for large food service operations and small start-up food companies.
Program Development, Implementation, & Evaluation
I advise clients ranging from individual providers, healthcare systems, nonprofits, and food companies on healthcare strategy and development of nutrition and food is medicine programming, working both individually and on teams. I previously worked at Avalere Health, focusing on evidence generation and strategic engagements to improve care quality and elevate the role of nutrition in healthcare.
Education & Speaking engagements
I teach, develop curriculum, and present about culinary medicine, the farm bill, health policy, and other nutrition-related topics in public and academic settings. I have been interviewed for podcasts and radio shows; presented in classes and at conferences, careers in nutrition, my research projects, and more; and delivered many classes about nutrition and healthy cooking to businesses, community, and patient groups.